UB Fuel Cell, LLC

Richard H. Freed 
General Counsel
Cordia LLC
One East Washington Street
Suite 430
Phoenix, AZ  85004
Tel:  713-822-0526
Email:  [email protected]

Daniel M. Quinn
Director of Operations
Cordia LLC
900 Walnut Street
Harrisburg, PA  17101
Tel:  717-439-0583
Email:  [email protected]

U.S. Gas & Electric, Inc.

Michelle Mann
Compliance Paralegal
U.S. Gas & Electric, Inc.
290 N.W. 165th Street, PH5
North Miami Beach, Florida 33169
Telephone: 305-947-7880
Fax: 305-947-5797

U.S. Power & Light, Inc.

Charles R. Manning
U.S. Power & Light, Inc.
Two Bala Plaza, Suite 300
Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004-1501
Telephone: 610-578-0755
Fax: 610-578-0756
Email: [email protected]


Ishwar Saini   
Associate Director, Regulatory and Market Affairs
UBS Energy LLC
677 Washington Blvd.
Stamford, CT 06901
Telephone: 203-719-1035
Fax: 203-719-1056

UGI Development Company

Frank Markle
Senior Counsel
UGI Corporation
460 North Gulph Road
King of Prussia, PA 19406
Telephone: 610-768-3625
Fax: 610-992-3258
Email: [email protected]

Matthew S. Dutzman
Vice President
UGI Development Company
One Meridian Boulevard
Suite 2C01
Wyomissing, PA 19610
Telephone: 610-568-1362
Email: [email protected]

Mark C. Morrow
UGI Development Company
450 North Gulph Road
King of Prussia, PA 19046
Telephone: 610-337-1000
Fax: 610-992-3258
Email: [email protected]

UGI Energy Services, LLC

Frank Markle
Senior Counsel
UGI Corporation
460 North Gulph Road
King of Prussia, PA 19406
Telephone: 610-768-3625
Fax: 610-992-3258
Email: [email protected]

Matthew S. Dutzman
Vice President
UGI Development Company
One Meridian Boulevard
Suite 2C01
Wyomissing, PA 19610
Telephone: 610-568-1362
Fax: 610-374-4288
Email: [email protected]

UGI Utilities, Inc.

Kent D. Murphy
Group Counsel, Energy &Regulation
UGI Corporation
460 North Gulph Road
King of Prussia, PA 19406
Telephone: 610-768-3631
Fax: 610-992-3258
Email: [email protected]

Paul J. Szykman
Vice President and General Manager- Electric Utilities
UGI Utilities, Inc.
2525 North 12th Street
Reading, PA 19612-2677
Telephone: 610-796-3470
Fax: 610-736-3402
Email: [email protected]

Underhill Solar, LLC

Gretchen Schott
Senior Regulatory Counsel
Clearway Energy Group LLC
1200 Smith Street, Suite 600
Houston, TX 77002
Tel: 346-293-7088
Email: [email protected]

Kevin P. Malcarney
Clearway Energy, Inc.
Senior Vice President &
General Counsel
300 Carnegie Center, Suite 300
Princeton, NJ 08540
Telephone: 609-608-1515
Email: [email protected]

Union Electric Company

Matt R. Tomc
Director and Asst. General Counsel
Ameren Services Company
1901 Chouteau Avenue (MC 1310)
St. Louis, MO 63103
Phone: (314) 554-4673
[email protected]

Anne K. Dailey
Senior Corporate Counsel
Ameren Services Company
1331 Pennsylvania Ave, Ste 550S
Washington DC 20004
Telephone: 571-499-7835
[email protected]


Union Power Partners, L.P.

Jerry F. Coffey
Entegra Power Group LLC
702 N. Franklin St.
Tampa, FL 33602
Telephone: 813-301-4998
Fax: none given
Email: [email protected]

UniSource Energy Development

Amy J. Welander, Esquire
Senior Attorney
UNS Energy Corporation
88 East Broadway Boulevard, MS HQE910
Tucson, AZ 85702
Telephone: 520-884-3655
Fax: 520-545-1477
Email: [email protected]

United American Energy Corp.

Donald T. Krom, Jr.
Corporate Secretary
United American Energy Corp.
50 Tice Boulevard
Woodcliff Lake, NJ 07677
Telephone: 201-307-1818
Fax: 201-307-1020
Email: [email protected]

Unitil Energy Systems, Inc.

Karen M. Asbury
Director of Regulatory Affairs
Unitil Service Corp.
6 Liberty Lane West
Hampton, NH 03842
Phone 603-773-6441
Fax 603-773-6641
Email [email protected]

Unitil Power Corp.

Karen M. Asbury
Director of Regulatory Affairs
Unitil Service Corp.
6 Liberty Lane West
Hampton, NH 03842-1720
Telephone: 603-773-6441
Fax: 603-773-664
Email: [email protected]

Unitil Resources, Inc.

Karen M. Asbury
Director of Regulatory Affairs
Unitil Service Corp.
6 Liberty Lane West
Hampton, NH 03842-1720
Telephone: 603-773-6441
Fax: 603-773-664
Email: [email protected]

University Park Energy, LLC

Ron Fischer
LS Power Development, LLC
Executive Vice President & General Counsel
1700 Broadway, 35th Floor
New York, NY 10019
Tel: 212-287-0563
Fax: 212-615-3440
Email: [email protected]

Jeffrey P. Wade
LS Power Development, LLC
Chief Compliance Officer
1700 Broadway, 35th Floor
New York, NY 10019
Tel: 212-547-2914
Fax: 212-615-3440
Email: [email protected]

UNS Electric, Inc.

Amy J. Welander, Esquire
Senior Attorney
UNS Energy Corporation
88 East Broadway Boulevard, MS HQE910
Tucson, AZ 85702
Telephone: 520-884-3655
Fax: 520-545-1477
Email: [email protected]

UP Hydro, LLC

Mr. Jason Kreuscher
Vice President, Operations
UP Hydro, LLC
100 State Street, P.O. Box 264
Neshkoro, WI. 54960
Phone: 855-994-9376 Ext. 102
Email: [email protected]

Mr. Tom Berutti
Exec. Vice President & Chief Financial Officer
UP Hydro, LLC
100 State Street, P.O. Box 264
Neshkoro, WI. 54960
Phone: 855-994-9376 Ext. 101
Email: [email protected]

Upper Michigan Energy Resources Corporation

Conor Ward
Senior Counsel
WEC Energy Group, Inc.
231 West Michigan Street
Milwaukee, WI 53203
Telephone: 414-221-2539
Fax: 414-221-2139
Email: [email protected]

Charles Milliken
Director, Federal Regulatory Affairs and Policy
WEC Energy Group, Inc.
231 West Michigan Street
Milwaukee, WI 53203
Telephone: 414-221-3565
Fax: 414-221-4211
Email: [email protected]

Theodore Eidukas
Vice President Regulatory Affairs
WEC Energy Group, Inc.
231 West Michigan Street
Milwaukee, WI 53203
Telephone: 414-221-4737
Fax: 414-221-4211
Email: [email protected]

Upper Peninsula Power Company

Barbara Siehr
Chief Executive Officer
Upper Peninsula Power Company
500 N. Washington Street
Ishpeming, MI 49849
Telephone: 608-575-3664
Fax: 906-485-2429
Email: [email protected]

Keith Moyle
Chief Operating Officer
Upper Peninsula Power Company
500 N. Washington Street
Ishpeming, MI 49849
Telephone: 906-485-2408
Fax: 906-485-2429
Email: [email protected]

Upstream Wind Energy, LLC

Conor Ward
Senior Counsel
WEC Energy Group, Inc.
231 West Michigan Street
Milwaukee, WI 53203
Telephone: 414-221-2539
Fax: 414-221-2139
Email: [email protected]

Theodore Eidukas
Vice President Regulatory Affairs
WEC Energy Group, Inc.
231 West Michigan Street
Milwaukee, WI 53203
Telephone: 414-221-4737
Fax: 414-221-4211
Email: [email protected]

USG Nevada LLC

Jessica Woelfel
Corporate Secretary
Ormat Technologies, Inc.
6140 Plumas Street
Reno, NV 89519
Telephone: (775) 398-4305
Email: [email protected]

USG Oregon LLC

Jessica Woelfel
Corporate Secretary
Ormat Technologies, Inc.
6140 Plumas Street
Reno, NV 89519
Telephone: (775) 398-4305
Email: [email protected]

USGEN New England, Inc.

Sanford L. Hartman
Vice President and Associate General Counsel
PG&E National Energy Group
7500 Old Georgetown Road, 13th Floor
Bethesda, MD 20814
Telephone: 301-280-6800
Fax: 301-280-6913
Email: [email protected]

Utilimax.com, Inc.

James K. Fruehling
Utilimax.com, Inc.
1321 Arch Street, 6th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Telephone: 215-636-0003 ext. 11
Fax: 215-636-0477
Email: [email protected]

Utility Contract Financing II, LLC

Deborah L. Hart
Vice President
Morgan Stanley Capital Group Inc.
4th Floor – Commodites Department
2000 Westchester Avenue
Purchase, New York 10577
Telephone: 914-225-1430
Fax: 212-507-8843
Email: [email protected]

Catherine Krupka
1275 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20004-2415
Telephone: 202-383-0248
Fax: 202-637-3593
Email: [email protected]

Ed Zabrocki
Managing Director, Legal and Compliance
Morgan Stanley
2000 Westchester Avenue
Purchase, New York 10577
Telephone: 914-225-5544
Fax: 212-507-1499
Email: [email protected]

Utility Contract Funding, L.L.C.

Armand Nakkab
Chief Compliance Officer, Managing Director
J.P. Morgan Chase Bank, N.A.
383 Madison Ave., Floor 10
New York, NY 10179
Telephone: 212-648-0291
Email: [email protected]

Paul Tramonte
Executive Director, Compliance
J.P. Morgan Chase Bank, N.A.
1111 Fannin St., Floor 11
Houston, TX 77002
Telephone: 713-236-3079
Email: [email protected]

Eugene Ferrara
Executive Director, Legal & Compliance
JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A.
383 Madison Avenue, 10th Floor
New York, NY 10179
Telephone: 212-834-2151
Fax: 646-861-6438
Email: [email protected]

Mark Lenczowski
Managing Director and
Associate General Counsel
J.P. Morgan Chase Bank, N.A.
25 Bank Street, Canary Wharf, Floor 23
London, E14 5JP, United Kingdom
Telephone: +44-207-1349699
Email: [email protected]

Utility Management and Consulting, Inc.

William B. McNally III
Utility Management and Consulting, Inc.
15609 North 55 Street, Suite 101
Scottsdale, AZ 95254
Telephone: 602-867-8099
Fax: 802-867-7348
Email: [email protected]

Uwharrie Mountain Renewable Energy, LLC

Lisa A. Muschong
Corporate Secretary
One Energy Plaza, 2057 WCB
Detroit, MI 48226
Telephone: 313-235-8870
Email: [email protected]

Kyra M. Fleming
Vice President and General Counsel
414 South Main Street, Suite 600
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Telephone: 734-887-4898
Email: [email protected]

Mark Cousino
President - Biomass Energy
414 S. Main St., Floor 5
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Email: [email protected]

Michael Solo Jr.
Dir-Legal General Counsel
1610 Walker Cisler Building
Detroit, MI 48226
Email: [email protected]

Rosemary Smalls-Tilford
Manager – Regulatory Affairs
1180 Walker Cisler Building
Detroit, MI 48226
Email: [email protected]

Contact Information

This page was last updated on December 03, 2024