Original Issuance: Chapter 14, Appendix L, Detailed Radial Gate Inspection Reports.

The FERC Division of Dam Safety and Inspections implemented the Tainter Gate Initiative in 1998, following the failure of a radial spillway gate at Folsom Dam. Since the 2001 revision to the initiative, each dam with a Category 1 radial gate has been required to submit a detailed Gate Inspection Report (GIR) at a ten-year interval. The GIRs submitted to-date have varied in quality, scope, and contents.

Therefore, Chapter 14, Appendix L provides guidance on our minimum expectations for the GIRs, including the required qualifications of the team, an outline for the report and appendices, and the minimum contents thereof. Appendix L also includes copies of previous letters issued by the FERC related to the Tainter Gate Initiative, for reference.

Appendix L


This page was last updated on August 05, 2020