Statement of Commissioner Bernard L. McNamee

September 4, 2020

Today is my last day on the Commission.  Though my term has ended, my fond memories for the Commission, its work, and its people will never fade.  

Being a Commissioner has been a great honor and highlight in my exciting career as a practicing energy attorney and as a policy advisor and legal counsel in various government positions.  I feel fortunate that as a Commissioner, I was able to work on so many interesting energy issues for the benefit of the American people.  Whether working to ensure that electric markets are just and reasonable, modernizing PURPA, enhancing and protecting the reliability of the electric grid, issuing approvals of natural gas pipelines and LNG export facilities, or establishing oil pipeline rates, the work of the Commission has been interesting and rewarding.

I am very grateful to President Trump who appointed me to this position and to the Senate that confirmed me.  I thank Chairman Chatterjee for his strong leadership, friendship and support.  I thank my colleagues over my term—Commissioner Glick, Commissioner Danly, and Commissioner LaFleur.  I also thank my team of advisors over my term—Tegan Flynn, Travis Fisher, Carolyn Clarkin, Kathleen Benard, Hannah Dirks, Susan Griffiths, Natalie Shen, Meagan McComb, Jim Cunningham, and Laura Swett—for all of their hard work and sound counsel.  I thank all of the hard-working staff at FERC who have chosen public service as their vocation.  I also thank all of the citizens, business people, entrepreneurs, attorneys, and experts who have participated in Commission proceedings. 

Being nominated and confirmed a Commissioner was due to the help and support of many people over the years.  I thank all of my friends at the Department of Energy—especially Secretary Perry, Secretary Brouillette and Deputy Secretary Menezes.  I thank Senator Cruz, Governor Allen, Attorneys General Paxton, Jagdmann, Kilgore, and Beales, all of whom provided me with opportunities to serve.  I thank my many mentors, especially Frank Atkinson.  I thank my friends.  I especially thank my wife, Libby, and son, Sam, for their love and support.   Finally, I thank God—Father, Son and Holy Spirit—for the many blessings I have received.

As I said in January, I did not seek reappointment because it is time to be back with my family.  Now that my term has ended, I will begin looking for the next job, presumably in the energy sector.  I am excited to see what comes next. 

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This page was last updated on September 04, 2020