Appellate Briefs

Town of Norwood, Massachusetts v. FERC

Town of Norwood, Massachusetts v. FERC Nos. 06-1658, et al. Calculation of Contract Termination Charge payable by Norwood to terminate early full requirements contract with New England Power Co. Town of Norwood, Mass. v. National Grid USA, et al., 112 FERC ¶ 61,099 (2005), order on reh'g, 114 FERC ¶ 61,187 (2006), reh'g and stay denied, 115 FERC ¶ 61,396 (2006). Circuit 1st Cir.
Appellate Briefs

Entergy Services, Inc., et al. v. FERC

Entergy Services, Inc., et al. v. FERC Nos. 05-1238, et al. Acceptance of interconnection agreements with generators, conditioned on Entergy/Southern/Nevada Power providing transmission credits for all network facilities at or beyond point of interconnection. Entergy Services, Inc., et al., 104 FERC & 61,084 (2003), reh'g denied, 111 FERC & 61,181 (2005); Southern Co. Services, Inc., 105 FERC ¶ 61,221 (2003), order on reh'g, 108 FERC ¶ 61,229 (2004), reh'g denied, 111 FERC ¶ 61,423 (2005); Nevada Power Co., 111 FERC ¶ 61,161 (2005), order on reh'g, 113 FERC ¶ 61,007 (2005) (on remand from Entergy Services, Inc. v. FERC, 391 F.3d 1240 (D.C. Cir. 2004)). Circuit D.C. Cir.
Appellate Briefs

Exxon Mobil Oil Corp. v. FERC (Supplemental Brief)

Exxon Mobil Oil Corp. v. FERC (Supplemental Brief) Nos. 04-1102, et al. Complaints challenging reasonableness of SFPP's rates on various of its lines for several years; issue whether there have been "changed circumstances" justifying rate review; Order on remand from BP West Coast Products, L.L.C. v. FERC, 374 F.3d 1263 (D.C. Cir. 2004), concerning issues arising from complex litigation, in related proceedings, between SFPP and several of its shippers starting in Nov. 1992. Arco Products Co., et al. v. SFPP, 106 FERC & 61,300 (2004); SFPP, L.P., 111 FERC ¶ 61,334 (2005), and earlier orders. Circuit D.C. Cir.
Appellate Briefs

Exxon Mobil Oil Corp. v. FERC

Exxon Mobil Oil Corp. v. FERC Nos. 04-1102, et al. Complaints challenging reasonableness of SFPP's rates on various of its lines for several years; issue whether there have been "changed circumstances" justifying rate review; Order on remand from BP West Coast Products, L.L.C. v. FERC, 374 F.3d 1263 (D.C. Cir. 2004), concerning issues arising from complex litigation, in related proceedings, between SFPP and several of its shippers starting in Nov. 1992. Arco Products Co., et al. v. SFPP, 106 FERC & 61,300 (2004); SFPP, L.P., 111 FERC ¶ 61,334 (2005), and earlier orders. Circuit D.C. Cir.
Appellate Briefs

Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corp. v. FERC

Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corp. v. FERC Nos. 04-1234, et al. Whether, consistent with 1992 settlement, Transco must continue to acquire capacity at certain receipt points and assign such capacity to Sunoco at settlement rates, terms and conditions; Direction to Transco to reimburse Sunoco for the additional costs Sunoco incurred as a result of Transco's violation of settlement. Sunoco, Inc. (R&M) v. Trancontinental Gas Pipe Line Corp., 100 FERC & 61,252 (2002), order on reh'g, 103 FERC & 61,176 (2003), order on reh'g, 107 FERC & 61,123 (2004), order on voluntary remand, 111 FERC ¶ 61,400 (2005), order on reh'g, 114 FERC ¶ 61,180 (2006). Circuit D.C. Cir.
Appellate Briefs

Industrial Energy Users-Ohio v. FERC

Industrial Energy Users-Ohio v. FERC No. 05-1435 AEP's updated market power analysis; request for hearing on generation market power issues. AEP Power Marketing Inc., et al., 109 FERC & 61,276 (2005), reh'g denied, 112 FERC ¶ 61,320 (2005) Circuit D.C. Cir.
Appellate Briefs

NSTAR Electric & Gas Corp. v. FERC

NSTAR Electric & Gas Corp. v. FERC Nos. 05-1362, et al. Order on remand, waiving prior notice requirement for revision to ISO-NE Market Rule 17, on out-of-economic merit order running of generating units during periods of transmission constraints. Mirant Americas Energy Marketing, L.P., 105 FERC ¶ 61,359 (2003), reh'g denied, 112 FERC ¶ 61,056 (2005). Circuit D.C. Cir.
Appellate Briefs

Inter. Natural Gas Ass'n of America v. FERC

Inter. Natural Gas Ass'n of America v. FERC No. 05-1426 Accounting of costs incurred by pipelines in implementing integrity management program required by Office of Pipeline Safety, U.S. DOT. Jurisdictional Public Utilities and Licensees, et al., 111 FERC ¶ 61,501 (2005), reh'g denied, 112 FERC ¶ 61,309 (2005). Circuit D.C. Cir.
Appellate Briefs

Exxon Mobil Oil Corp. v. FERC

Exxon Mobil Oil Corp. v. FERC Nos. 05-1299, et al. Final rules under the Alaska Natural Gas Pipeline Act, governing the conduct of open seasons for Alaska natural gas transportation projects and the Commission's ability to require design changes in reviewing certificate applications. Regulations Governing the Conduct of Open Seasons for Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Projects, Order No. 2005, 110 FERC ¶ 61,095 (2005), order on reh'g, 111 FERC ¶ 61,332 (2005). Circuit D.C. Cir.
Appellate Briefs

Canadian Ass'n of Petroleum Prods. v. FERC

Canadian Ass'n of Petroleum Prods. v. FERC No.05-1382 Policy statement on income tax allowances, addressing certain issues on court remand. Inquiry Regarding Income Tax Allowance, 111 FERC ¶ 61,139 (2005), reh'g dismissed, 112 FERC ¶ 61,203 (2005). Circuit D.C. Cir.
Appellate Briefs

Public Service Electric & Gas Co. v. FERC

Public Service Electric & Gas Co. v. FERC No. 05-1325 Interconnection of merchant transmission project with PJM; interconnection study provisions of PJM tariff. Neptune Regional Transmission System v. PJM Interconnection, 110 FERC ¶ 61,098 (2005), order on reh'g, 111 FERC ¶ 61,455 (2005). Circuit D.C. Cir.
Appellate Briefs

Snoqualmie Indian Tribe, et al. v. FERC

Snoqualmie Indian Tribe, et al. v. FERC Nos. 05-72739, et al. Issuance of new license, and minimum flows, for the Snoqualmie Falls Project. Puget Sound Energy, Inc., 107 FERC ¶ 61,331 (2004), order on reh'g, 110 FERC ¶ 61,200 (2005), reh'g denied, 111 FERC ¶ 61,317 (2005). Circuit 9th Cir.
Appellate Briefs

Nat. Ass'n of Reg. Util. Comm'ners v. FERC

Nat. Ass'n of Reg. Util. Comm'ners v. FERC Nos. 04-1148, et al. Order No. 2003 rulemaking, requiring the filing of revised open access transmission tariffs containing standard generator interconnection procedures and a standard agreement for large generators. Standardization of Generator Interconnection Agreements and Procedures, 104 FERC ¶ 61,103 (2003), order on reh'g, 106 FERC ¶ 61,220 (2004), order on reh'g, 109 FERC ¶ 61,287 (2004) , order on reh'g, 111 FERC ¶ 61,401 (2005). Circuit D.C. Cir.
Appellate Briefs

San Bernardino Valley Audubon Soc. v. FERC

San Bernardino Valley Audubon Soc. v. FERC No. 05-77186 Issuance of new license to Edison to continue operating the Mill Creek Project in San Bernardino County, California; dispute over minimum flow releases. Southern California Edison Co., 104 FERC ¶ 62,048 (2003), reh'g denied, 113 FERC ¶ 61,063 (2005). Circuit 9th Cir.
Appellate Briefs

Brazos Electric Power Coop. v. FERC

Brazos Electric Power Coop. v. FERC No. 05-1286 Decision that cogeneration facility owned by Ponderosa Pine Energy Partners, an Enron affiliate, satisfied the ownership criteria for qualifying facility status under PURPA. Investigation of Certain Enron-Affiliated Qualifying Facilities, 111 FERC ¶ 61,013 (2005), reh'g denied, 111 FERC ¶ 61,310 (2005). Circuit D.C. Cir.
Appellate Briefs

KeySpan-Ravenswood, LLC v. FERC

KeySpan-Ravenswood, LLC v. FERC No. 05-1332 Denial of complaint alleging that NYISO charged its members rates that were not consistent with filed rate schedules; translation of installed capacity (ICAP) requirements into unforced capacity (UCAP). KeySpan Ravenswood, LLC v. New York ISO, Inc., 110 FERC ¶ 61,116 (2005), reh'g denied, 111 FERC ¶ 61,336 (2005), reh'g rejected, 112 FERC ¶ 61,153 (2005). Circuit D.C. Cir.
Appellate Briefs

Williston Basin Interstate Pipeline v. FERC

Williston Basin Interstate Pipeline v. FERC No. 05-1209 Directive to Williston to recalculate its cost of service underlying its rates and to make refunds. Williston Basin Interstate Pipeline Co., 104 FERC ¶ 61,036 (2003), order on reh'g, 107 FERC ¶ 61,164 (2004), order on compliance, 111 FERC ¶ 61,102 (2005). Circuit D.C. Cir.
Appellate Briefs

New Mexico Attorney General v. FERC

New Mexico Attorney General v. FERC Nos. 04-1398, et al. Conditional approval of Southwest Power Pool as a RTO, subject to fulfillment of various requirements. Southwest Power Pool, Inc., 106 FERC ¶ 61,110 (2004), order on reh'g, 109 FERC ¶ 61,010 (2004). Circuit D.C. Cir.
Appellate Briefs

Columbia Gas Transmission Corp. v. FERC

Columbia Gas Transmission Corp. v. FERC No. 05-1285 Directive that Columbia remove, from discount rate agreements, restrictions on shippers' rights to challenge the base rates and rate structures, or refile agreements as negotiated rate agreements. Columbia Gas Transmission Corp., 109 FERC ¶ 61,152 (2004), reh'g denied, 111 FERC ¶ 61,338 (2005). Circuit D.C. Cir.
Appellate Briefs

Sacramento Municipal Utility Dist. v. FERC

Sacramento Municipal Utility Dist. v. FERC No. 05-1231 Termination of extra high voltage (EHV) transmission service provided to SMUD. Pacific Gas and Electric Co., 109 FERC ¶ 61,255 (2004), reh'g denied, 111 FERC ¶ 61,175 (2005). Circuit D.C. Cir.