Commissioner Richard Glick
July 16, 2020 
Docket No. ER18-1639-003

Order: E-5

As explained in my dissents from the concurrently issued orders in this proceeding,[1] I believe that the Commission orders giving rise to the compliance filing addressed today exceeded the Commission’s jurisdiction under the Federal Power Act.  Accordingly, I dissent from this order addressing that compliance filing on the same basis. 

For these reasons, I respectfully dissent.



[1] Constellation Mystic Power, LLC, 172 FERC ¶ 61,044 (2020) (Glick, Comm’r, dissenting); Constellation Mystic Power, LLC, 172 FERC ¶ 61,043 (2020) (Glick, Comm’r, dissenting).

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This page was last updated on July 17, 2020